kidney stone treatment

Urine is the form of excretion of the waste products by body metabolism. Urine contains plenty of minerals and salts and the constant urination is better for maintaining good health. The increased concentration of these minerals and salts in urine bind together and form stones.

How to identify the presence of stones

The urine stones usually cause certain symptoms as bloody urine, fever with chills, frequent urination, and severe one-sided abdominal pain with nausea. The symptoms vary on the size, location, and a number of stones.

Urine stone diagnosis

Based on the symptoms the diagnosis is done and they are Urine routine test, X-ray KUB (Kidney, Ureters, Bladder), and Ultrasonography Abdominal scan. After confirming the presence of urine stones, the patient may be put under further investigations like CT KUB, Intravenous Urogram.

What are the treatments provided for Urinary stones? 

Most of the stones are treated with medicines. Based on the location of the stones further treatments are given. The types of stones are Ureteric, Renal and bladder.

  • Renal stones are treated with ESWL, RIRS, PCNL, Open pyelolithotomy
  • Bladder stones are treated with Cystolithotripsy, Open cystolithotomy.
  • Ureteric stones are treated with ESWL, URS AND Lithotripsy, Open ureterolithotomy.

Procedures to remove stones

Laparoscopic stone removal: Complicated and large stones would require open surgery that can be done laparoscopically. The procedure involves making small incisions in the abdomen to perform internal surgery.
Open Procedure: It was the conservative procedure and now it is performed only for atypical kidneys.
ESWL (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy): With an external energy source shock waves are produced and focused on the renal stone from the outside of the body by means of X-ray. It is a precise treatment for stones in the kidney and upper ureters. This outpatient treatment does not require anesthesia.
RIRS (Retrograde Intra-Renal Surgery): It is the latest innovation in stone management used to treat renal stones less than 3 cms. A flexible ureteroscope is passed into the kidney through urinary passage and lithotripsy is performed. Within two days after the surgery, the patient will be able to go back to normal activities.
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