What is Hypospadias?

Hypospadias is an inborn defect in boys, in which the urethra, the tube through which urine drains from the bladder to outside the body, doesn’t grow properly. In hypospadias, the opening of the urethra is on the underneath of the penis instead of at the tip. It affects only about 1 in 200 boys, and this condition can be treated with surgery.

What are the signs & symptoms?

  • Opening of the urethra at a location other than the tip of the penis
  • Downward curve of the penis, called chordee
  • Hooded appearance of the penis, caused by extra foreskin along the top side
  • Abnormal spraying during urination

Hypospadias doesn’t cause any physical pain or block in urination.However, as the urine stream cannot be directed forwards, it will wet the trousers and in later life issues may arise with sexual intercourse.

What are the types of Hypospadias?

  • Subcoronal – The opening of the urethra is located somewhere near the head of the penis.
  • Midshaft – The opening of the urethra is located along the shaft of the penis.
  • Penoscrotal – The opening of the urethra is located where the penis and scrotum meet.

What causes it?

As babies born with defects, doctors aren’t sure why some boys get hypospadias. They may consider these factors which include,

    Genetics – It’s more likely if the boy has a father or brother who was born with it. 
  • Fertility treatments. The mother may have used any sort of hormone therapy or medicine to help her get pregnant. 
  • The mother’s age and weight. There is more probability to a baby born with hypospadias if his mom is overweight and over age 35.