
Is Rhinoplasty Right for You?

Know the ‘What and Whys’ of Getting a Rhinoplasty!

A Rhinoplasty aka nose job has become a common facial cosmetic surgery procedure these days. The procedure can either be used to improve the nose function or to enhance the appearance of both.

What is cosmetic Rhinoplasty?

If you are someone who is not happy with the shape of your nose, you might be a candidate for cosmetic Rhinoplasty. The cosmetic aspect of the procedure covers refining (make it sharper) the tip of your nose, reducing the nasal hump or correcting the irregularities and to correct a crooked nose, hump on the nose, to increase the height of the nose and make it more well defined

What You Must Know About the Procedure:

Surgery is a worrying term for many. However, there is nothing to worry about when you have the best cosmetic surgeon in Kochi to help you. The procedure will be done under general anesthesia and through a very small incision made in along the base of the nose. This incision will disappear within a few days when the skin heals.

The incision outside will be connected to the incisions made inside the nose. Through them, the cartilage and bones of the nose are accessed for the procedure. Very carefully, the bone and cartilage are reshaped, if the procedure intends cosmetic improvement. Otherwise, the nasal passageways are improved.

Outcome; Expectations and Reality:

If you opt for a Cosmetic Rhinoplasty, it is good to have realistic expectations about the results. However, best results are ensured when you choose authentic and expert cosmetic surgeons.

We at Specialists’ Hospital, has the best team of cosmetic surgeons and state-of-the-art facilities for all kinds of plastic and cosmetic surgery procedures. If you are thinking about getting your nose corrected, seek our expert help in a single click. Book your appointment straight away for a consultation!