9633507632(Plastic Surgery)
9446501369(Urology Dept)
9633507632(Plastic Surgery)
9446501369(Urology Dept)
It is a surgical process to improve the appearance of sagging breasts and correct the positioning of the body. It can minimize the scars and improve the shape of the breasts. As the name indicates, the surgery is meant to lift the breasts. The surgeon may also change the position of areola and nipple.
Breast uplift or mastopexy is a cosmetic procedure. It is not chosen for medical reasons. People who have sagging, loose breasts can undergo for mastopexy. Normally, ageing, breastfeeding, and pregnancy etc. can cause stretched skin and smaller breasts.
The procedure will be done under general anesthesia. The surgeon will make 1 to 3 cuts in your breast. Extra skin, nipple and areola will be removed. In certain cases, breast uplift is also done along with other breast augmentation procedures. After completing the procedures, the surgeon will close the incisions with sutures. Sutures give support to the newly shaped breasts. In certain cases, skin adhesives or surgical tape may be used to close the incision. Dressing or bandage will be will be applied to the incisions. You will be suggested wear an elastic bra which will help to minimize the swelling. You will be able to see the results immediately after the surgery. There will be pain and swelling for a short time period and will resolve fast. The incision lines will also fade within a short time.
The surgeon may suggest medications to take or apply in order to heal the incision and reduce the risk of infection. The surgeon will also give you suggestions for follow-up care. It will take a few months to show the complete results. The results of mastopexy surgery will be long-lasting. Ageing may affect the breast shape and size. If you want to retain your new look, you should keep a healthy lifestyle and maintain your weight.