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Post Bariatric cosmetic surgery

Post Bariatric cosmetic surgery is meant for individuals who have lost their body shape after a large amount of weight loss.

Weight loss through traditional diet and exercise, and other factors may cause excess skin folds, drooping and pockets of fat in certain areas of the body. This may affect the individual’s self-confidence and other problems like skin infections and hygiene issues. The post Bariatric surgery aims at eliminating the areas of excess fat and loose skin. Through post Bariatric surgery, the individual will be able to regain the lost shape and appearance.

The surgery includes a range of procedures aiming at eliminating the excess skin and enhancing the candidate’s appearance. The procedure can be done by board-certified plastic surgeons having experience and skill in body contouring techniques. Before you choose to have the surgery, you should stop losing weight. Otherwise, you will develop sagging pockets even after the surgery.

A good candidate for post bariatric surgery should be an adult of any age who had already stabilized his/her weight loss. The candidate should be physically and mentally healthy. He/she should be a non-smoker with a positive outlook and realistic aims regarding the procedure.

Procedures that are used for post bariatric surgery include:

  • Lower body lift
  • Breast lift
  • Arm lift and
  • Thigh lift etc.

The procedure starts under anesthesia. The surgeon will decide whether to use general or intravenous sedation. Almost all the body contouring procedures require incisions to remove excess skin. The length and pattern of the incision will depend upon the amount and location of excess skin to be removed.

Body lift is chosen to treat sagging buttocks, hips, outer thighs and abdomen. Breast lift is to lift the sagging breasts that give an awkward look to the individual. Sometimes, a breast implant may also be used to enhance the shape and size of the breast. Sagging skin in the upper arms is treated using arm lift. Thighs are reshaped using thigh lift.

Possible risks and complications of the post bariatric procedure include:

  • Unfavorable scarring.
  • Infections
  • Blood clots
  • Skin loss
  • Anesthesia risks
  • Skin discoloration
  • Pain
  • Swelling etc.

It is important to observe proper follow-up care as per the instructions of the surgeon.

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