9633507632(Plastic Surgery)
9446501369(Urology Dept)
9633507632(Plastic Surgery)
9446501369(Urology Dept)
What is PUJ obstruction?
The urine formed in the kidney collects in the kidney pelvis. This pelvis is connected to the bladder by a tube called the ureter. Sometimes there is obstruction at the junction of the kidney's pelvis and ureter. If the obstruction is complete, the function of the kidney will be seriously affected. The obstruction can be present at the time of birth or later, at any age. The commonest age of presentation is early in adult life.
The cause of obstruction is usually a developmental defect of the muscle in this region. It can be due to other causes also, such as an abnormal kidney artery in this region producing mechanical obstruction.
How is it treated?
The treatment is by surgery. This can be done either by open surgery, with its accompanying morbidity of a 15 cm wound or in some cases, by endoscopic techniques ( endopyelotomy). By far, the best results are obtained by open surgical techniques. Now laparoscopy can do the same repair with the same results but avoiding all the morbidity of the open surgical wound and is considered by most Urologists as the gold standard.
Steps of repair
Laparoscopic Repair
3 to 4 key holes are used. Only 1 muscle cutting 10mm or 5mm key hole at or near the umbilicus is used. All the others are either 5mm or 3mm key holes and are not muscle cutting. Hence the pain of the 1cm(or 5mm) muscle cutting wound is many times less than the 15cm or larger wound of open surgery! The wound complications are less and the recovery very fast. By1st post operative day after laparoscopy, the patient can easily get up without much pain, can usually begin to take a liquid diet and walk down to the toilet.
Pre Operative Preperation
Post Operative
At Home
For Review
Routine review will be after about 1 week. Further reviews and follow up dates will be advised by your doctor at the time of the initial review.